
Meet the Team

Jayme Mitchell
Vice President, Events & Logistics
Stephanie Madden
Vice President, Technology & Operations
Tabitha May-Tolub
Director, Training and Cultivation
Michele Fidance
Executive Director - Delaware
Brady Tanner
Senior Director, Recognition Programs
Emily Schultz
Senior Manager, Programs & Partnerships - South Carolina
Heather Love
Vice President, Community Building
Janai Smith
Senior Manager, Programs & Partnerships - Northeast
Jodi Klebick
Executive Director - Pennsylvania
Karen Waataja
Vice President, Development
Nikki Mowbray
Senior Manager, Programs & Partnerships - Delaware
Chloe Tate
Manager, Programs
Stephanie Lloyd
Senior Manager, Community Building
Ariel Infante
Support Engineer, Data & Technology
Courtney Stein
Manager, Programs & Partnerships - Pennsylvania
Brittany Henderson
Manager, People & Culture
Samantha Huff
Manager, Community Events
Tysha Popo
Associate, Technology
Jessie Dugan
Director, Community Engagement
Dan Hoffman
Director, Youth Programs
Sharmin Uddin
Senior Manager, Development
Killian Nelson
Manager, Digital Communities
April Okpwae
Strategic Advisor to the CEO
Marilyn McNeal
Associate, Content Creator
Kristy Ford
Manager, Grants
MaryAnn Abramson
Manager, Programs & Partnerships - Indiana
Daniel Hoppe
Executive Director - South Carolina
Amy Reiland
Vice President, Marketing & Communications
Joaquin Alvarado, Ph.D.
Manager, Programs & Partnerships - Los Angeles
Amelia Hemmingsen
Executive Director - Minnesota
Veena Rangaswami
Manager, Programs & Partnerships - New York
Collin Burden
Manager, Digital Marketing
Sarah Butzow
Manager, Programs & Partnerships - Minnesota
Carolina Comella
Acting Executive Director and Manager, Programs & Partnerships - Massachusetts
Milia Bell
Associate, Marketing
Melanie Vignocchi
Associate, Events & Logistics
Liz Burgess
Executive Director - Chicago
Benita Fitzgerald Mosley
Brian Holihan
Program Associate - Greater Boston
John Schilder
Executive Director - Bay Area
Gloria Duryea
Director, Donor Relations
Lydia Petrovic
Manager, Programs & Partnerships - Bay Area
Asante Rogers
Associate, Content Creator
Amelia Miller
Executive Director – Indiana
Susan Sanders
Manager, Programs & Partnerships - Chicago
Michael Lelito
Digital Engagement Associate
Jayme Mitchell
Vice President, Events & Logistics

Jayme has been with Multiplying Good for 16 years. During her tenure, she has been an integral part of various departments including finance, operations, and human resources. In her current role as Vice President of Events and Logistics, she leads Multiplying Good’s premier events and oversees community and program events organization-wide. Jayme has produced and managed dozens of large-scale events including high-profile award shows annually honoring grassroots and notable honorees. She has run award selection committees, video shoots, and membership engagement projects. Her department prioritizes partnerships within the organization as well as with the vast network of media partners and corporations that celebrate their communities through Multiplying Good’s award platform. She is a dedicated teammate, excellent project manager, compassionate colleague, and empowering leader.

Jayme lives in Townsend, Delaware. She is devoted to her family and enjoys spending lots of time with her daughters and her Pitbull pup.

Stephanie Madden
Vice President, Technology & Operations

Stephanie Madden is the Vice President of Technology and Operations at Multiplying Good, who had previously served as the Head of Information Systems and Technology for a variety of companies in a variety of industries. Stephanie, a champion of holistic improvements, focuses on strategies that align technology, operations and finance, in the belief that organizational collaboration and operational excellence go hand in hand. With that as her hallmark, Stephanie makes every effort to become a valuable resource eager to engage all team members who together can develop impactful solutions that keep the mission progressing and innovating at every turn.

Tabitha May-Tolub
Director, Training and Cultivation

Tabitha May-Tolub has more than 25 years of experience in the Youth Leadership Development and Training Field. She brings her expertise in training, cultivating, and mentoring youth and the adults who work with them to her role as Director of Training & Cultivation with Multiplying Good. Tabitha also served as the LEAD training partner and CEO of Roots & Wings, a company that provides training and consultation for youth, and adults who care about them, in leadership, communication, and identity development. Prior to the launch of Roots & Wings Tabitha served as Associate Director for Youth LEAD (Leaders Engaging Across Difference) a Massachusetts non-profit that trains and inspires youth leaders to use their values and beliefs to connect with communities across differences to address social issues and enact positive change. Tabitha holds a MA in Marriage and Family Counseling from University of Massachusetts Boston and degrees in Psychology and Education from Clark University. When she is not working to develop the next generation of leaders and changemakers you can find her outside, reading or hanging out with her own two young leaders near Boston, Massachusetts.

Michele Fidance
Executive Director - Delaware

Michele, a National Director for Multiplying Good, joined the organization in 2007 where was instrumental in starting up and running the Students in Action programs in Central Florida, Chicago, Delaware and the San Francisco Bay Area for 2 years. In 2009 the Students in Action program grew, expanding to its current size of 13 regions. Michele continues to run all the Multiplying Good programming in Central Florida and Delaware. She also plays a major role each year in the coordination of the Jefferson Awards in Washington, D.C.

Brady Tanner
Senior Director, Recognition Programs

Brady is the Senior Director of Recognition Programs. He began his career over two decades ago as a job coach for an organization serving people with developmental disabilities. He brings diverse experience to Multiplying Good and is celebrating his 14th year with our team. He loves sharing the stories of our Jefferson Award recipients from across the country and lives in Memphis, Tennessee.

Emily Schultz
Senior Manager, Programs & Partnerships - South Carolina

Emily Schultz is a graduate of Monmouth University in Long Branch, New Jersey. After completing her degree in History and obtaining her secondary teaching certificate, Emily moved to South Carolina where she taught History and Effective Leadership at Fort Dorchester High School. She also served as a Students In Action advise during her time there. After 9 years of teaching, Emily decided to combine her passions of promoting volunteerism and working with young people by joining Multiplying Good. In her free time, Emily enjoys photography, travel, baking, gardening and spending time with her husband and their fat cat, Jack.

Heather Love
Vice President, Community Building

Heather Love has spent more than 15 years in the international development and nonprofit sectors. She holds a business degree from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill and served as a Peace Corps volunteer in Panama from 2005 to 2008. After Peace Corps, Heather spent several years working for City Year and United Way before joining Multiplying Good in late 2013 to serve as the organization’s Executive Director in South Carolina. In October 2021 Heather moved into the role of Vice President, Community Building at Multiplying Good to help each of our staff teams nationwide be successful in building awareness of our mission, raise the resources necessary to support our work, and deliver impact through our programs.

Heather has lived in the Upstate, Midlands, and Grand Strand of South Carolina but now calls the Lowcountry home where she resides with her husband and two sons. She is a graduate of Leadership South Carolina, the Riley Institute’s Diversity Leaders Initiative, and was named by Greenville Business Magazine as one of Greenville’s Best and Brightest 35 and Under in 2015.

Janai Smith
Senior Manager, Programs & Partnerships - Northeast

Janai Smith is a Human Rights Advocate with over 10 years of experience. Before joining Multiplying Good, she served as the Youth Outreach Manager for ECPAT-USA where she directed the Youth Against Child Trafficking program and focused on educating, empowering, and mobilizing young people around the issue of child sexual exploitation. Previously, she worked with non-profits such as Global Kids, South Asian Youth Action, and the Advocacy Lab, teaching youth about various human rights issues and how they can effect social change. Janai received her B.A. in Sociology from the University of Vermont, her M.S. in Global Affairs from New York University, and is an alumna of AmeriCorps.

Jodi Klebick
Executive Director - Pennsylvania

A Broadcast/Cable Communications graduate from Penn State University and former President of Klebick & Company, Jodi has served as President of the Board of the Pittsburgh Urban Magnet Project (PUMP), of Women In Film & Media Pittsburgh, and as a Co-founder and Advisory Board member of the international Silk Screen Asian Festival. She is a graduate of Leadership Development Initiative and Leadership on Board, winner of the National Association of Women Business Owners’ “Make the Connection” community service award, and a 2009 Nominee for Nonprofit Marketer of the Year from the American Marketing Association. She is thrilled to be a person of influence for young leaders as a Regional Executive Director of Multiplying Good, and enjoys endless of hours of ‘playing fetch’ with her happy-go-lucky Jackweenie dog named Henri.

Karen Waataja
Vice President, Development

Karen has 8 years’ experience in the nonprofit sector, with a focus on development through grant writing and grants management. She also has a background in strategic planning and leadership from her prior experience with an innovative statewide organization in South Carolina. Karen is passionate about positively impacting individuals and building communities, through persuasive story-telling, grant writing, and partnership building. Born and raised in Kentucky, Karen now lives in South Carolina. A graduate of Wake Forest University, she enjoys cheering on her favorite college sports teams—the Kentucky Wildcats, Clemson Tigers, and Wake Forest Demon Deacons—and spending time with her husband and two grown children.

Nikki Mowbray
Senior Manager, Programs & Partnerships - Delaware

After earning her BA from Duke University and Master of Social Work from UNC Chapel Hill, Nikki started her career in drug and alcohol counseling before transitioning into prevention work with the YMCA of Delaware where she managed youth programs to prevent bullying, drug and alcohol use, and juvenile delinquency. Nikki was also the Delaware statewide coordinator for Stewards of Children, which teaches adults how to prevent child sexual abuse. In addition to serving as Multiplying Good’s program manager in Delaware, Nikki is an active volunteer of Delaware 4-H, where she has served as secretary and president of the Delaware 4-H Foundation, and also volunteers with the Delaware Youth Leadership Network as an adult mentor. In her spare time, Nikki is an avid reader, gardener, certified health coach, and is a group fitness instructor.

Chloe Tate
Manager, Programs

Once described as “relentlessly cheerful,” Chloe is a lover of all things colorful and practically every fruit known to man. She lives in Alpharetta, Georgia and divides her time between working with Multiplying Good, working as a Marketing Maven for Lucky Break Consulting, and event planning for business conferences. She’s also working on the launch of her skincare line while finishing her degree in Leadership & Organizational Studies. She was involved in Spring Hill High Schoool's chapter of Students in Action while living in South Carolina and spent her senior year working as a Program and Research Intern with Multiplying Good. When she is not working, you can find Chloe crafting away in her room or dancing around the house to Dave Matthews Band.

Stephanie Lloyd
Senior Manager, Community Building

Stephanie J. Lloyd, MA brings more than a decade of experience in the non-profit, academic, and social impact sectors where she has both implemented and evaluated numerous volunteer and youth development programs. She has dedicated her career to advancing social justice through research, evaluation, and service by supporting programs and organizations that uplift under-resourced communities and address economic and social challenges. Her ambition and expertise lie in working with organizations to design effective programs and evaluation tools and use data to inform strategy and recommendations that positively impact individuals and communities. Stephanie holds a Master of Arts in Applied Sociology from the University of Massachusetts Boston. As a City Year AmeriCorps Alum and lifelong volunteer, she believes in the power of social good to change our world and is committed to inspiring youth to enact positive social change through service. Stephanie is also passionate about photovoice (a participatory research method that puts cameras in the hands of individuals whose knowledge, expertise, and experience bring value to community assessments, research, and evaluation for policy and practice improvement) and serves as a trainer and project consultant for PhotovoiceWorldwide LLC. Outside of working and volunteering, Stephanie enjoys photography, travel, and sports.

Ariel Infante
Support Engineer, Data & Technology

Ariel Infante is a Technology & Data Team Member who had previously helped start Yondster, a professional social network that helped youths start their career. Before joining Multiplying Good, Ariel was an Operations Team Lead at Breather, helping manage over 150 on-demand office locations around New York City. With a B.A. in Computer Systems and Operations experience. Ariel is taking the lead in automation and integration projects and tackling technology issues to keep Multiplying Good's mission of service running smoothly. 

Courtney Stein
Manager, Programs & Partnerships - Pennsylvania

Courtney joins Multiplying Good with over 10 years of experience in youth & teen programming. Upon graduating from Slippery Rock University with a degree in Secondary Education, Courtney began her career traveling with Carnival Cruise Line, creating interactive and inclusive activities for the fleet and engaging with youth across countries and cultures. She has since worked in the nonprofit sector with the YMCA of Greater Charlotte, where she continued her professional passion for servant leadership, growing programs, and building relationships with youth, families, and the community. As the Program Manager for Students In Action in Pittsburgh, Courtney is thrilled to bring her experience and passions to the city she calls home, and can always be found exploring new places and trying new things!

Brittany Henderson
Manager, People & Culture

Brittany Henderson (she/her) is a SHRM-CP certified human resources professional with expertise in both operational and strategic HR business practices, including talent acquisition, employee training, performance management, employee relations, benefits, and payroll. Brittany has a passion for diversity, equity, justice, and inclusion with a constant commitment to helping others achieve their goals. She holds a Bachelor of Science degree from Virginia State University and has worked in the HR field for 7 years with proven success in creating cultures of collaboration and implementing change to achieve workplace excellence. Born and raised right outside of Washington, DC, Brittany is a wife and mother of two.

Samantha Huff
Manager, Community Events

Samantha Huff was born and raised in Waltham, Massachusetts, making the move to the Carolinas in search of warmer weather, Now Calling Myrtle Beach home with her dog Finley. Throughout her career Samantha has interwoven her love of event planning with her passion for service to her community. She can often be found giving back to others by serving dinner at the New Directions Men’s Shelter, co-founding member of the Junior League of the Grand Strand, or volunteering as an Ambassador for the Grand Strand Young Professionals. Samantha was introduced to Multiplying Good through these volunteer efforts, initially serving Multiplying Good as a South Carolina Board member before joining the Multiplying Good team in the role of ChangeMakers Coordinator in 2021.

Tysha Popo
Associate, Technology

Tysha holds a Master’s degree in Industrial Organizational Psychology and a Bachelor of Arts in Psychology and Sociology. Her professional background includes working with nonprofits in various operational roles. She is eager to apply her people skills with technology to find progressive ways to have people and technology work together. She is passionate about people and multiplies good in her local community as a volunteer at Doctors Without Borders, The New York City Food Bank and New York Cares.

Jessie Dugan
Director, Community Engagement

Jessie’s commitment to service began as a high school teacher working with language learners in Chaska, Minnesota. The bulk of her career in teaching, leadership, and program coordination has been in educational settings. A passionate advocate for families and communities, she is on the Board of Directors for Bethel House, an ecumenical project helping families facing homelessness. An avid reader, you’ll often find her at the library or on the back porch with a pile of books. Jessie lives in Wisconsin with her husband, two teenage sons, and two rescue dogs.

Dan Hoffman
Director, Youth Programs

Dan Hoffman has more than 15 years of experience in education. His professional history includes teaching, developing curriculum, training educators, and school leadership. Dan is stepping in as the new Manager of Youth Programs at Multiplying Good. Previously, Dan served as Head of School at Colorado Early Colleges (CEC) in Parker, Colorado. Prior to joining CEC, Dan was High School Director at the STEM School in Highlands Ranch, Colorado. Before moving into school administration, Dan was a teacher and curriculum specialist in both private and public schools. Dan also worked as a professional development consultant with The Eagle Rock School in Estes Park, Colorado where he partnered with schools nationally to deliver Asset Based trainings for educators. In all of Dan’s work, he has remained focused on improving student engagement especially for students in marginalized and underserved communities. Dan studied community organizing and urban planning and received a Bachelor’s degree in Urban and Environmental Policy from Occidental College in Los Angeles. He received his teaching credentials from Prescott College in 2010 and his Principal’s license from The Principal’s Institute in 2018.

Sharmin Uddin
Senior Manager, Development

Sharmin grew up in New York City and has been part of community-based organizations from an early age. Her first experience in the nonprofit world was through a settlement house, where she learned about the benefits of social services. Sharmin is passionate about social change and fundraising. She thinks one way to contribute to social change is to push for adequate funding so organizations can thrive. Before joining Multiplying Good, Sharmin worked in development and operations for a grassroots organization that organizes and builds the power of low-income immigrant communities in New York City. Sharmin firmly believes in volunteerism and spent almost five years planning and executing peer-to-peer grassroots fundraisers with the support of volunteers. Sharmin has a Bachelor's in Political Science, Religion, and Human Rights. She has a Master’s in Public Administration (MPA). Sharmin's career is centered around development, grassroots fundraising, and creating systems and infrastructure that bolster the funding needs of community programs. During her free time, she loves to journal, spend time with her nieces, and research plants.

Killian Nelson
Manager, Digital Communities

Killian serves as the Manager of Digital Community for Multiplying Good- managing and creating a comprehensive archive of digital assets for the team. While working towards a Bachelor of Fine Arts degree in Photography and Related Media at the Fashion Institute of Technology, Killian worked for the Lower East Side Girls Club in order to combine their passion for digital media and social service. During this time, they mentored their students in photography and digital media literacy so that these students in disadvantaged school districts could receive digital media education not otherwise possible, while also handling the Girls Club's events photography, file organization and management, and digital archiving.

April Okpwae
Strategic Advisor to the CEO

As a community organizer & nonprofit leader for the past 15 years, April Okpwae has worked in communities throughout New York City and Detroit, MI leading youth leadership & performance-based development programs. Experienced in program implementation & growth, in her most recent role with the Police Athletic League of New York, she partnered with the private and public sector to create & expand youth development programs with the Garden of Dreams, New York Presbyterian Hospital, Loyalty Foundation & more. Born & raised in Detroit, she is a founding board member of BlackCount, a grassroots arts-based voter education, engagement, & advocacy organization. Both an arts lover and beachgoer, April currently resides in New Jersey with her husband and 3 kids.

Marilyn McNeal
Associate, Content Creator

Marilyn McNeal has worked as a community health educator, job and life skills mentor, and computer literacy instructor for the past 20 years. A digital folk artist inspired by American roots culture, Marilyn explores storytelling through video essays, documentaries, writing, and music production. She developed her podcast, Ear Medicine, to acknowledge and share the stories of artists and makers in her area. Marilyn teaches web production and visual storytelling in the San Francisco Bay Area and received her Masters in Media Studies from the New School for Social Research. When she’s not working, she spends her free time enjoying her two cats, gardening, and taking local day hikes.

Kristy Ford
Manager, Grants

Kristy is a grant writer for Multiplying Good and enjoys collaborating with several Leadership Communities to grow local programming. Kristy has more than a decade of experience working in the non-profit sector either as a resource coordinator for families navigating disability services or in non-profit development organizing fundraising events, marketing, and donor relations. Kristy believes in the service-oriented mission of Multiplying Good and has been involved with many volunteer endeavors, including her current role as a volunteer peer coach for CASA in New Jersey. Kristy holds a Master’s in Public Health from Thomas Jefferson University and undergraduate degrees in both biology and Spanish from the University of Pittsburgh. In her spare time, she enjoys traveling, hiking, and gardening.

MaryAnn Abramson
Manager, Programs & Partnerships - Indiana

MaryAnn is a native Hoosier, living in Indiana her entire life, despite her aversion to the cold winters. She worked with youth as a Students In Action Advisor for six years before joining the Multiplying Good Indiana Team as a Program Manager in 2022. Service within our communities can be a transformative event for everyone involved, and she feels humbled to be a part of facilitating these experiences for the youth of Central Indiana. MaryAnn is also involved with youth as a high school assistant coach for cross country and track. When she’s not at the track or on the course, you can find her baking (specifically bread, cheesecake and mac-and-cheese), travelling, brushing up on her photography skills, or enjoying her lifelong love of running. However, her absolute favorite thing to do is spend time with her husband Dustin and three children, Malyka, Keith and Maya, and her two grandcats, Saweetie and Alakay.

Daniel Hoppe
Executive Director - South Carolina

Dan has spent the last 23 years dedicated to education & nonprofit management, focusing his efforts on professional development, leadership training, strategic planning, change management, online education, marketing & fundraising. Most recently Dan served as the Executive Director of Academic Services & Professional Development at Horry-Georgetown Technical College. He holds a Bachelor of Education from The University of Toledo, a Masters in Organizational Management & Strategic Planning from Spring Arbor University and is completing a Doctorate of Education in Leadership Studies at Bowling Green State University. Dan is a graduate of the South Carolina Technical College Leadership Academy & Leadership Grand Strand through the Myrtle Beach Chamber of Commerce, where he serves on their board of regents. In his spare time, Dan enjoys spending time with his wife and 3 children, grilling on his patio & coaching high school girls’ lacrosse.

Amy Reiland
Vice President, Marketing & Communications

Amy Reiland has spent more than fifteen years in Marketing and Communications creating change for namesake brands in both the corporate and nonprofit sectors. After receiving her Bachelor of Science degree in Business Administration, Marketing from San Francisco State University, Amy has been able to build on her Marketing foundation in various roles. Ranging from advertising, storytelling, and email marketing to brand development and creation, her ongoing commitment is to create and produce high-quality and cutting-edge content that speaks to the targeted demographic. Amy also has a strong passion for volunteering within her local community and through the years she has been fortunate to work with various organizations including Girl Scouts of Greater Los Angeles and Inland Pacific Ballet.

Joaquin Alvarado, Ph.D.
Manager, Programs & Partnerships - Los Angeles

Dr. Joaquin Alvarado was raised in South Los Angeles and developed his passion in education at a very young age. He is currently an Adjunct Faculty at East Los Angeles College (ELAC). He holds a Doctorate in Education and a Masters of Science in Teaching from the University of Southern California. Prior to joining ELAC, Dr. Alvarado worked in the high school setting for almost ten years, first as a teacher and then as an administrator. Dr. Alvarado is a proud member of his community and continues to serve students and families of South Los Angeles. He believes that every student can learn, every student can succeed and every student has the potential to change the world.

Amelia Hemmingsen
Executive Director - Minnesota

Amelia Firnstahl Hemmingsen has over ten years of experience working with community organizations with a focus on student development and the arts. Most recently, she served as the Executive Director of the Minnesota Youth Symphonies prior to joining Multiplying Good as Executive Director, Minnesota. She was raised in the Twin Cities metro area, and moved to Los Angeles to study music and English, eventually completing a dual graduate degree program in Arts Management and Business Administration at Claremont Graduate University’s Drucker School of Management. After twelve years in Los Angeles, she moved back to the Twin Cities and is thrilled to continue to create a positive impact in this community through her work with Multiplying Good. In addition to her professional work, she has volunteered as a mentor through the Department of Children and Family Services in Los Angeles and Big Brothers Big Sisters Twin Cities. She has served as a nonprofit board member and is active in helping local candidates run for office. She lives in Saint Paul with her husband and three dogs.

Veena Rangaswami
Manager, Programs & Partnerships - New York

Veena is a trained facilitator and experienced program manager with a passion for youth leadership development. She grew up in Arkansas and Tennessee, has lived in Bangalore and Bombay, and now calls New York City home. A lifelong connector who thrives on building relationships, Veena brings experience in education, startups, and nonprofits to her role as the NY Program Manager. Outside of work Veena enjoys running and hiking, discovering delicious restaurants, listening to too many podcasts, and traveling, and she can always be found with a book in tow.

Collin Burden
Manager, Digital Marketing

Collin has worked for a diverse set of mission-driven organizations in Washington, DC, Pittsburgh, and New York, helping them develop and execute comprehensive communications strategies to advance their missions and achieve their goals. He earned his undergrad degree from University of California San Diego and his MBA from the University of Pittsburgh, Katz Graduate School of Business.

Sarah Butzow
Manager, Programs & Partnerships - Minnesota

Sarah is passionate about the impact experiential learning can have for both individual students and for societal change. She has worked in a variety of roles with youth and young adults over the last 8 years, including leading educational travel programs in India and teaching food education on a farm in Minnesota. She is a community builder, facilitator, and training design enthusiast, and excited to bring these skills to her role as Manager of Programs and Partnerships in Minnesota. Sarah studied Critical Theory and Social Justice at Occidental College and is finishing her M.A. in Intercultural Service, Leadership, and Management at SIT Graduate Institute. She loves eating good food, spending time with her pup, anything with plants, and discussing personality tests with everyone she meets (she’s an ENFP and Type 7).

Carolina Comella
Acting Executive Director and Manager, Programs & Partnerships - Massachusetts

Carolina worked in higher education administration for over 20 years, where she held various academic and administrative positions. During her time in higher education, Carolina led a significant number of strategic and innovative initiatives to leverage resources to enable growth and increase the impact of social justice and civic engagement work. In 2017, she joined a women-owned and operated technology startup with a mission of creating strong and safe communities and served as Chief Operating Officer, overseeing the growth and development of products, processes, and teams. As the scope of the company evolved, the team created Figayou Ventures, an strategic consulting arm, to partner with companies to elevate women-owned businesses. In 2022, Carolina joined the Multiplying Good team to continue her civic engagement work. Carolina holds a BA in Communication Management, a MS in Counseling from Mississippi State University and a Master of Public Management from Carnegie Mellon University.

Milia Bell
Associate, Marketing

Milia is a proud native Vermonter. She comes to Multiplying Good with over 25 years of experience in nonprofit marketing, design, and fundraising. Throughout her career she has directed all phases of both the creative and technical elements of marketing including communication strategies, project management, content development, marketing campaign design and implementation, brand creation and management, graphic print/Web collateral development, social media campaigns, and customer segmentation/profiling. Milia holds a Graphic Design degree from the Art Institute of Boston (now Lesley University) and a B.A. in Business Management and Marketing from Johnson State College. Outside of work, Milia loves to paint, read, and explore new vegetarian recipes. She lives in Burlington, Vermont with her wife, Heather and their dog, Willow and cat, Charlie.

Melanie Vignocchi
Associate, Events & Logistics

Melanie earned her bachelor's at the University of Illinois Urbana- Champaign and has been working in the event industry for ten years. She has had large successes in major organizations ranging from TEAM Enterprises to the Chicago Bears to Madison Square Garden Company. She looks forward to bringing her events expierence to help futher the mission of Multiplying Good.

Liz Burgess
Executive Director - Chicago

With over 20 years of nonprofit management experience, Liz has had the privilege and pleasure of leading and volunteering with organizations that have made significant impacts in her community and whose missions she truly believes in and supports. Throughout her career, she’s most enjoyed working with volunteer-driven and community-based organizations. Organizations that value creativity, positivity, integrity, kindness, and collaboration and align themselves to my principles of accountability, transparency, commitment, and being mission and values-driven. She deeply appreciates and respects the impact that service has on organizations and on the volunteers themselves. Liz has witnessed first-hand the transformative power of volunteering. In her free time, Liz enjoys reading, movies, and being with family and friends. Liz is a Chicago native who lives in the Lakeview neighborhood with her husband and 16-year-old daughter and their rescue dog.

Benita Fitzgerald Mosley

Benita Fitzgerald Mosley is an Olympic gold medalist and an established international leader in the sports and business sectors and has a passion for helping people and organizations win gold medals in life and work. With over 20 years of experience leading organizations, Mosley aims to bring her vast leadership and media experience to lead Multiplying Good into the organization’s next chapter of growth and success.

Before being named as CEO to Multiplying Good, Mosley served as the Vice President of Community and Impact and President of FundPlay Foundation for LeagueApps, a youth sports management technology platform. Mosley also served as the Chief Executive Officer of Laureus Sport for Good Foundation USA from 2016-2020, leveraging the power of Sport for Good to build thriving kids and communities across the United States. She is a graduate of the University of Tennessee with a B.S. in Industrial Engineering and a charter member of the Tennessee Volunteers Hall of Fame.

Brian Holihan
Program Associate - Greater Boston

Brian is a Massachusetts native with a passion for youth empowerment. From a young age, he learned importance of helping others and has a passion for transforming young adults into future leaders. He attended Merrimack College where he earned a Bachelor of Arts in Human Development and a Master of Education in Community Engagement. He is excited by opportunities that utilize community building for social change and has professional experience working within non-profits and as a classroom facilitator. Outside of work, you can find him hiking in New Hampshire, fishing along the beaches of Cape Cod, or cheering on the Boston Celtics.

John Schilder
Executive Director - Bay Area

John brings a wealth of nonprofit leadership and service experience to our Bay Area team, as well as a deep passion for our mission and belief in the power of public service to transform individuals and communities. John served as a Peace Corps volunteer in Honduras from 2006 to 2008. He has focused on providing support to vulnerable communities and youth through fundraising and partnerships while working for Hostelling International USA and the National Multiple Sclerosis Society. In 2022, John earned an Executive MBA from the University of San Francisco and was honored by his professors and peers with an Award of Excellence for Integrity and Ethical Behavior. John’s recent service to his community includes delivering food to families most impacted by the pandemic and as a Spanish translator at vaccination and testing throughout the city, serving as a board member for the Northern California Peace Corps Association, and volunteering with Street Soccer USA.

Gloria Duryea
Director, Donor Relations

Gloria has nearly two decades of not-for-profit experience, working in both grassroots nonprofits and larger institutions along the coast of South Carolina. Her experience spans fundraising, stewardship, donor engagement, public relations, and event management. She has a passion for philanthropy and a strong personal commitment to service to others.  

Originally from the Upstate of South Carolina (Anderson), Gloria attended the University of South Carolina, Columbia where she earned her BA in Psychology and then her Master of Business Administration degree. Since arriving to Beaufort in 2007, she has served on a number of local nonprofit boards and committees. Currently, she sits on the United Way of the Lowcountry’s Women United committee and the Association of Fundraising Professionals Lowcountry Chapter board of directors. In her free time, she enjoys spending time outdoors with her husband and three young children.

Lydia Petrovic
Manager, Programs & Partnerships - Bay Area

Lydia is a seasoned nonprofit leader with a passion for service and over 15 years of experience building connections and community in the Bay Area. After graduating from UC Berkeley, she began her career as an ESL educator in China. Later, she fell in love with the world of hostels at Hostelling International USA, where she worked to expand access to youth travel for many years. Most recently, she founded a people strategy firm called BOxD to help leaders and their teams do their best work together. She loves making up songs and stories with her twin 3-year-old boys and currently hosts refugees and individuals seeking asylum at her San Jose home.

Asante Rogers
Associate, Content Creator

Asante is an advocate and creative with experience in community engagement, service, and healthcare. She worked in public relations before joining Multiplying Good in 2023 as a Content Creator, and thrives when highlighting triumph through the transformative power of art and storytelling. She holds a bachelor’s degree in psychology from the University of North Texas and is pursuing a master’s degree in strategic communications from Arkansas State University.

Although born and raised in Texas and rooted in the south, she has a passion for traveling and exploration. Beyond work, you’ll find her expressing herself as a poet and photographer, spending time with her cat and dog, and on long-distance hiking and camping trips.

Amelia Miller
Executive Director – Indiana

Amelia comes to Multiplying Good with over 15 years of experience in the nonprofit field, including five years as Executive Director of the Perry Township Education Foundation, serving her local public school district. She has held a variety of positions in education and youth development organizations, always with a focus on service, civic engagement, and leadership development. Amelia has demonstrated her own commitment to service as an AmeriCorps National Service member, serving with Greater Indy Habitat for Humanity, as co-founder and chair of the Indiana Citizens’ Alliance for Transit, and as a volunteer and board member for several organizations around Indianapolis. She holds a B.A. in Political Science from Webster University and a Graduate Certificate in Nonprofit Management from Indiana University. When not empowering young leaders through service, Amelia can be found on stage at her local community theatre or binge-watching British crime dramas. But her favorite thing is spending time with her son and doing the things they love most—especially cooking, traveling, and thrifting.

Susan Sanders
Manager, Programs & Partnerships - Chicago

For over a decade, Susan has been a champion for creating more diverse, inclusive, and compassionate workplaces and communities, working as a consultant alongside senior HR, IT, and Communications leaders, including 8 years at Willis Towers Watson. Most recently, she provided strategy support and services for other thought leaders, business leaders, consultants, practitioners, and service providers who are working to advance change in the world. These services, which leverage community-based platforms, helped to amplify the mission, vision, and insights of her customers and communities.

What excites her about managing the Chicago Chapter’s Students in Action (SIA) youth program is SIA’s focus on the future - developing young leaders who will enter non-profits, social enterprises, and corporations equipped with the foundation they need to create thriving economies and communities. Susan resides in Uptown and is an avid sailor and an advocate of women’s and adaptive sailing. She earned her MBA from Arizona State University.

Michael Lelito
Digital Engagement Associate

Mike Lelito was born and raised right outside of Chicago and is a Marquette University graduate from the class of 2020 with a degree in Marketing. Also being a part of the Men's Basketball team during college sparked a passion for community service through multiple service events. Now, as a member of the Multiplying Good team, Mike takes on the role of Digital Engagement, where his mission is to elevate our online community presence and outreach efforts.

At Multiplying Good, we celebrate diversity of thought, backgrounds, and experiences, and embrace all dimensions of our people and stakeholders. By empowering our teammates to bring their full selves to work and amplifying diverse voices and representation, we are able to live our values, lead by example, empower our people, and understand the communities that we serve.